
In addition to Slave10's public webcam sites, you may also request private webcam sessions! If you prefer to direct the action yourself with no interference from other users then this is the option for you.

Performances are limited only by your imagination, and some common sense, and are aimed at providing you the entertainment and excitement you desire!

To rent him for performances or recorded video, just fill out the Order Form, list your requirements and he will email you directly to make and confirm arrangements.

What about the merchandise??

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 245 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Strengths: Endurance, ambition and obedience

Endowment: Insignificant, but used when requested

Limits: None, for the most part. No brown or blood, no shaving or marking, no piercing. Some adjustments are possible so don't be afraid to ask.

In addition to the Order Form, you may also leave a voicemail message with your request(s) or inquiry. For follow-up, please include your email address.

Scenes from the Webcams